Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stan and Tom Shirreffs in Scotland

I found a scrapbook containing pictures of Stan [my grandfather] and Tom Shirreffs [my great-uncle] around the time they were graduating from high school.  I think the pictures are from a trip they took to Scotland, but I'm not entirely sure.  I believe they visited Aberdeen together. Most of the pictures do not have any sort of information on the back of them and the cover is missing from the book. The book is filled with interesting photos, but some are faded or damaged.

There are pictures of the sea, a castle and of faces that I do not recognize. I would love to
 know more about who these people are. Over the next couple of weeks, I will post some photos. Maybe some member of the Shirreffs family out there will know who they are.  

In the meantime, I'm going to show you some of the photos. Here is a photo of Tom on a motorcycle wearing his le
tterman's sweater. On the back of the photo it says, "Me and my motorcycle. I like ours better." I'm assuming he's referring to American motorcycles? He looks kind of a tough guy in this picture! 

I think he earned his letterman's sweater from swimming. A clipping in the book from a newspaper shows both 

Stan and Tom as star athletes. Tom was a star swimmer and one of the mainstay of the one hundred yard freestyle, backstroke and fancy diving. Stan was a baseball star.

The second photo shows Tom and Stan in front of a large ship called "Rock All." My grandfather is clad in a suit and looking quite nice. Tom is wearing poofy pants  and argyle socks that seem suitable for golfing, but I'm not familiar with the styles of those days.

I hope you find these photos interesting. I will post more over the next few weeks. 

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