As I mentioned, I found a scrap book filled with old photos of my grandfather, Stan, and his family. It appears to be mostly from a trip that they took to Scotland sometime around the 1930s, but nothing is clearly marked.
For all I know, the photos could be from one year or various trips. I'd like to see if anyone out there knows who the people in these photos are.
I'll start with a group photo featuring my grandfather (on the right) as a young man all the way on the left side. There are two ladies and a man in the photo who I don't
recongize. In the background are several young laughing children. I can't tell if it was taken in Scotland or not, but it looks like it could have been judging from the houses background.
The photo on the left is a funny candid shot. The same people in the photo are the left are getting ready to pose, but someone is joking around and takes a photo while they are getting ready. One lady helps the other take off her apron in preparation for the photo while the man watches and laughs.

This one is unique because you don't see too many candid shots like this. Everyone usually seems very formal and posed as in the second shot. This one gives you a better sense of who these people are, but not enough for me to identify them.
One guess is that it could be my great-grandmother's relatives in and around Aberdeen. I met a few of them during my first and last trip to Scotland when I graduated from college. I really enjoyed it there and can't wait to go back. Our relatives treated me and my friend very, very well. It was fun to see the old photos and learn more about the town where my family came from.
I can't believe that I can't figure it out. Well, if you can help me out, send me an email!