Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ellen Shirreffs in 1936

On Saturday, Guillaume and I ventured to Randolph to see my parents and to celebrate my birthday and an early Christmas. We had a great dinner and some yummy cake, but more about that later. I'm waiting for my dad to send me the photos because I forgot to burn them to a cd before I left. 
While I was there, I looked for old photos to post here for everyone to see.  I grabbed a few photo albums and some photos that my mom had. I'll scan them over the next few months so you can all see them. The first one is a beautiful picture of Ellen Shirreffs that was taken in September of 1936. My mom said that my great-grandma Shirreffs really treasured it. On the picture in the corner, you can see that she signed it: "With love to Mother and Dad. Ellen."

Here it is:

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