Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Great-Great Grandpa

A while ago, we received a letter from Danny Shirreffs who is living in Scotland. He wanted to get in touch with his American relatives. Apparently, his grandfather was the only one who didn't go to the U.S. He had lots of pictures of our distant relatives and researched our family tree. He sent us a copy of it so we could fill in the blank spaces. Unfortunately, I lost touch with him, but hope to find him again eventually.

Here is one of the first photos he sent to us, which is the whole family. Information about the photo below from Danny Shirreffs via e-mail and forwarded to me from Barney Shirreffs: "Your grandfather and family which you may not have yet, taken I believe around 1900. My grandfather is the little boy while Gordon is the oldest on the left. I know very little about the girls beyond the basics and have not traced any of their living families, yet."

Here's information about the photo above from Danny Shirreffs from an email I received in July 2003:
"Uncles Andrew and Alexander with Andrew in the uniform of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps and Alex in the Merchant Marine uniform. I have not yet looked into Andrew's war career yet, but will at some point. I heard a great story that Alex was torpedoed in 1917, washed out of the lifeboat by a way, only to be washed back into it by the next one. How lucky is that? The picture was given to me by Carole Cox when she was on a visit to Edinburgh last year."

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