Friday, November 30, 2007

I need your photos!

One of the best parts of this blog is that we can all contribute. I would love to hear more about your favorite times with Stan or Isabel or with anyone else in our family. I'd also love to see any photos that you have of your family or of Stan or Isabel. What keeps this blog interesting is that we can share information and pictures. Please join and enjoy this with me!

The picture (above) is the Shontz family, I think. I believe that Stewart Shontz is third from left and the couple sitting are his parents, but I'm not completely sure. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Great-Great Grandpa

A while ago, we received a letter from Danny Shirreffs who is living in Scotland. He wanted to get in touch with his American relatives. Apparently, his grandfather was the only one who didn't go to the U.S. He had lots of pictures of our distant relatives and researched our family tree. He sent us a copy of it so we could fill in the blank spaces. Unfortunately, I lost touch with him, but hope to find him again eventually.

Here is one of the first photos he sent to us, which is the whole family. Information about the photo below from Danny Shirreffs via e-mail and forwarded to me from Barney Shirreffs: "Your grandfather and family which you may not have yet, taken I believe around 1900. My grandfather is the little boy while Gordon is the oldest on the left. I know very little about the girls beyond the basics and have not traced any of their living families, yet."

Here's information about the photo above from Danny Shirreffs from an email I received in July 2003:
"Uncles Andrew and Alexander with Andrew in the uniform of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps and Alex in the Merchant Marine uniform. I have not yet looked into Andrew's war career yet, but will at some point. I heard a great story that Alex was torpedoed in 1917, washed out of the lifeboat by a way, only to be washed back into it by the next one. How lucky is that? The picture was given to me by Carole Cox when she was on a visit to Edinburgh last year."

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Baby Isabel

Here's another photo of when Grandma Isabel was a baby. I'm not sure how old she was. She looks like she might be two or three years old. I love her chubby little face! 
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Grandpa Stan here. I'll get some of those and add them later. I do have some of the pictures that Danny Shirreffs sent from Scotland. I'll post in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any photos of grandpa at any age, please post them!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My last visit to Canfield

In April, I came to visit grandma and help her move into Victoria House with my parents and Aunt Carole. While we were there, I took some photos of the center of Canfield

The post office:

The square:
The bandstand:


Growing up I always celebrated Thanksgiving in Ohio. We usually left early Thursday morning and drove the packed car for approximately seven hours until we arrived at grandma and grandpa's doorstep. 

Along the way, we had our favorite stops to eat and go to the bathroom. One of my favorites was "The Bald Eagle," which was a real, old school truck stop with juke boxes at the tables, greasy food, and a gift shop with trucker necessities. Later, they changed the name to "The Eagles Nest" and added amenities such as telephones at the tables, showers, laundry facilities and a little cinema. At my last visit, I bought an "I love trucking" t-shirt.  

Unfortunately, Mom grew tired of the Eagles' Nest eventually and we started going to the "Dutch Pantry." This is a chain of quasi-fast food restaurants in Pennsylvania. Usually there are a lot of old people in there and the food isn't too bad. The best part is the golf tee games they put on the table to occupy you while you wait. Most highway places don't miss an opportunity to sell you something, so there was a little gift shop there, too. I looked forward to purchasing "fire balls," which are spicy jaw breakers. We also used to buy some chocolate cow pies for my friends. Very quaint.

The drive was only the beginning of the magical journey to Canfield. Upon arrival, there were usually toys or games for us to play with.  I would run around to find Taffy, their Yorkshire Terrier.  I was amazed at how she peed on newspaper. Later, Grandma would serve a big dinner with turkey and stuffing and all the rest. We would get to eat on the good china in the dining room. Grandpa would do his famous version of grace and then we would dig in.  After eating the delicious pumpkin pie we felt pleasantly stuffed and sleepy.

Black Friday was always spent at an Ohio mall. After complaining about parking and fighting for a spot, we'd shop for clothes or whatever and grab lunch somewhere -- probably Ashley's or Perkins.  At night, we'd play "Heart and Soul" on the piano and watch television. When Amy was little, she would disappear into the living room, sit on the piano bench and pound out her own little songs. Everyone would comment on her skills and cheer her on.  It was cute.

This year, we spent Thanksgiving in New Jersey with my second cousins and little god daughters. We had a great
 time with everyone and the meal was delicious. During the meal, I couldn't help but remember all the Thanksgivings we spent in Ohio.

Friday, November 23, 2007

2006 Memories

Just a little over a year ago, my mom turned 60 and my dad decided to throw her a surprise party. Amy and I were really excited to begin helping him to plan the party and to try to keep it from mom. We had trouble hiding the fact that there was going to be a party.  It's tough to have a party for someone in their home without them knowing about it.

There were a few things she didn't know, though. She didn't know the date of the party or that Grandma Isabel was flying in for the party. In addition, Guillaume's parents were in town, so they were coming, too. Grandma got along well with Guillaume's parents and we all had a great time!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Here's Grandma Isabel as a little girl!

What do you think of this blog?

Here's Amy in Australia with a koala. 

What do you think about this blog? Leave your comments below!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sharing Memories

To prepare for the upcoming memorial, I thought it might be fun and helpful to create a space for our family to share photos, memories, and other stories about Isabel's and our lives. I also thought it would be a fun way to keep everyone connected. 

By using a blog, we can all create posts and leave comments for others whenever it is convenient for us. I know we all have busy lives, but it will only take a minute to contribute a photo or some text that could bring a smile to someone's face.

This is a "team blog," which means that any of you can join the blog and write posts by accepting the invitation sent by me. You can also comment on other people's posts at any time. Click on "comments" to leave a comment. You can write about anything you'd like to share with the group. This blog will be private, so only the people we allow to see it will see it.

I hope you will join so that we can get a little bit closer!
